Friday, March 4, 2011

Effect Of Smoking On Dental Implants

Dental implants and mini dental implants function as an effective replacement for lost tooth. The factors that determine the success rate and longevity of and many including mainly the teeth being natural or grafted. But another factor that cannot be neglected when it comes to the success associated with dental implants is the wearer being a smoker or non-smoker.

They are grafted with the help of a surgery in the mouth. After the surgery is completed and the implant is fixed the bone and the gum tissue need to heal and this integrates the artificial teeth to its surrounding s. This process is very important since this only will determine the efficiency of the implants. The implants will last long and will function properly only if the process of healing is completed.

This process is not completed properly if the person is a smoker. Researchers conducted in the recent times have proved the fact that implants do not last longer in case of smokers. If the wearer is a smoker then there are two and half times lesser chances of the implants lasting long and yielding the desired results. In a study conducted on 66 people in a period of 5 years, it came out that the 15.8% implants failed in smokers and in case of non-smokers, the success rate was much higher with the percentage of implants failing being 1.4.

We are aware of the health hazards posed by smoking to the concerned person and it is also a known fact that it is the mouth of the person that suffers most amount of danger with mouth and throat cancer being the biggest hazards. But it is little known that smoking leads to the constriction of the blood veins in the mouth. This causes problem in the supply of nutrients to the mouth.

Hence the requirement of nutrients in the mouth is not met adequately. Nutrients are essential in the process of healing and repairing of gums and tissues. When this need is not fulfilled, the healing process is interrupted and the foreign materials in the mouth that is the dental implants do not merge properly with the surrounding and hence the healing remains incomplete. In addition to this, if the person is smoking continuously with his dental implants in function, then additional bone loss takes place. This further increases the complications for the patient.

During the surgery for fixing of dental implants, additional care should be taken if the patient is a smoker. This is because the effects of surgery are not healed properly because of constriction of blood vessels in the mouth. Owing to all these difficulties and hassles, when a smoker approaches a dentist for dental implants, he is first advised to quit smoking. If not then the doctors usually abstain from fixing dental implants in such patients.

For more information visit the site dedicated to dental implants Long Island.

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