Monday, March 7, 2011

66% Success Rate For Smoking Cessation With Hypnosis

Hypnosis is possibly one of the world's oldest forms of preventive and alternative, non-medicine induced methods of healing. Most people have a misconception of hypnosis through a lack of understanding it. Some say it is the perfect form of persuasion. Maybe it is... maybe it isn't, but whatever it is, it's been proven to work. Hypnosis helps you to relax, allowing people to tap into their subconscious mind, to create new realities through images and results and eventually manifest them into their own lives.

Research studies show that during hypnosis, patients are given coping tools for withdrawal symptoms and the urge to smoke. The patient is given an audio cd of their training to continue their reinforcement of coping skills at home. It is hoped that over time the patient will gain increased confidence in their ability not to smoke. Hypnosis is gaining wider acceptance at some of the nations respected hospitals and medical research centers.

For women it may sometime seem more difficult to stop smoking. Studies speculate that the probable reasons might be due to the fact that women are more emotional and sensitive than men. Therefore a woman may smoke a cigarette a lot quicker than a man. Because of this sensitive nature in women, depression becomes another issue. Studies showed that hypnosis was helpful for would be quitters with a much higher success rate with hypnosis.

Most people start smoking young in years and continue across a lifetime; with multiple periods of remission and relapse.

Statistics released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention show that more than 45 million people in the United States are smokers in spite of anti-smoking campaigns. Smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death.

Trying to quit smoking on your own has a far less success rate. Some researchers show that doing it on your own rates about 5%. Using hypnosis is above 66%, using behavior therapy about 25%, and using Nicotine Replacement Products about 25%.

The benefits of not smoking are priceless and life changing such as: adding more years onto your life and gaining self-respect. Your lungs will become cleaner and stronger. You will have more energy, more of a sense of accomplishment and more time for the things that you have always wanted to do. There you have it... not only will you look and feel get to keep money in your pocket.

St. Petersburg Hypnosis Center Located Conveniently in St. Petersburg at the Cross Point Plaza.

Help for quitting smoking, weight management, behavior changes to self development.

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