Sunday, March 13, 2011

Use NLP for Smoking Cessation

NLP stands for NeuroLinguistic Psychology, and many people are finding as one of the more beneficial stop smoking programs. Typically, this is one part of a bigger overall package that may include several quit smoking products and methods. While it's evident that NLP does work on some who are looking for help to stop smoking, it's also apparent that no stop smoking hypnotherapy will work unless several factors are present.

Arguably, the most important factor is a personal desire to quit smoking cigarettes. If the smoker is looking for stop smoking aids because a spouse is constantly nagging about the smell of smoke, it's unlikely that any stop smoking help is going to work. Quitting smoking has to be the smoker's desire. Look at some examples between an internal and external drive.

If the smoker is fully aware of the health risks of smoking, he or she may say it's time to quit. An internal reason to seek quit smoking help is that you (as a smoker) know you're doing harm to your body, and to your family and friends who deal with your second-hand smoke. This is an internal prompt to quit cigarette smoking. In this case, the desire is real and quit smoking hypnosis or NLP may very well be just the boost you need to successfully quit.

Another important factor in this case is that the family and friends are likely to be supportive, rather than censuring an occasional desire for a cigarette. There's typically less pressure on the smoker who's trying to quit when he has a good stop smoking support network.

Some examples of external prompting to seek some program such as stop smoking hypnosis or NLP are the spouse who is constantly nagging about the smell of smoke, or even the cost of cigarettes. While those are legitimate reasons for stopping smoking, the desire is typically not as strong and it may be more difficult for the smoker to actually quit. When the desire for a cigarette comes around (as it most likely will), the smoker with external drives to quit smoking cigarettes is more likely to choose the cigarette even though the penalties will be the cost of the cigarettes or the nagging of the spouse.

That's not to say that external prompts can't be strong enough to help the smoker quit, only that those prompts aren't as likely to succeed as if the smoker truly has the desire.

If the cost of the habit is prompting the smoker to give it up, he may find that he's not willing to pay for follow-up treatment. Many who undergo some form of hypnosis find they need additional sessions to remain strong against the desire to smoke. Hypnosis isn't a free stop smoking therapy, but then nothing (other than sheer willpower) is free. If money alone is your prompting, you have to look at the long-term effects - money you'll save over the next year, two years or longer. That might help you justify the cost of hypnosis or NLP as a resource of how to stop smoking.

One of the most important aspects of hypnosis and NLP therapies is the focus on both the physical and mental aspects of quitting smoking. Smokers who use only a stop smoking aid such as gum may find themselves longing for a cigarette simply because they feel the need to have it in their hand. Hypnosis stop smoking programs usually help deal with that part of the addiction, as well as the physical symptoms of withdrawal.

Steve Hill discusses the quit smoking process. Learn the facts before you decide which quit smoking product to buy. Read more no-hype stop smoking articles and information at: quit smoking. Steve also has a website at: stuttering cure.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Lungs Heal After You Quit Smoking

This is a question frequently asked both by those of us who are considering quitting smoking and by those who have recently quit. Sometimes we ask because we want to take up new activities, other times we're unsure if the damage that has already been done is permanent - and thus whether quitting is worth the effort. There are often many questions surrounding the quit smoking movement, but here are answers to these very common ones.

How your Lungs Heal after Smoking

Fortunately reality is in our favor. According to our latest scientific information, our lungs do heal substantially after we quit. Three days after quitting, the little hairs in our lungs called 'cilia' begin to regenerate - even if they've suffered substantial damage. This allows the aveoli to recover, and the result is within three months, we have regained as much as 1/3rd of the original function of our lungs!

In addition to lung capacity is another sometimes less thought of but certainly no less important topic - cancer. Lung cancer is the greatest risk factor associated with smoking. As the cells in your lungs begin to change in response to cigarette chemicals (squamous cell), your risk of all cancer types goes up. And thus if you quit smoking now, your chances of surviving increase significantly.

Diet and Exercise Help Lungs Heal Even More

After you quit smoking, it only makes sense that you follow up with the health benefits of good diet and exercise. Eating several servings of fruits and vegetables every day can speed up the healing process tremendously. They contain anti-oxidants, are low in fat, don't contribute to excess cholesterol, and provide both the macro and micro-nutrients your body needs for recovery.

And as we all know, exercise has been associated with a range of health benefits as well. A regular program will speed the recovery of your cardiovascular system. It will give you more endurance faster than recovery without exercise. And both diet and exercise with further reduce your chances of developing cancer.

Many people have succeeded in quitting with a healthy diet and exercise program and found they felt as good as at any time in their past life. Their greatest realization is that the damage caused by smoking was absolutely no excuse for not terminating this life-sucking habit immediately.

See why Quitting Smoking can be Quick, Easy, and Painless at

Repairing the Lungs After Quitting Smoking With a Lung Detox

Repairing the lungs after quitting smoking is a great help to remaining quit. When you can actually feel your lungs becoming cleaner and stronger it's a great incentive. I can speak personally about this because it helped me to stop smoking for good. So what did I do to start the repair process?

Well within the first few days of quitting I decided to try a lung detoxification or in short a lung detox. What this does is speed up the process of removing tar, toxins and chemicals from the lung tissue that have built up over the period of time that you have been smoking, and so speeds up the lung repair. It's quite simple to do but is an intense course and works very quickly so if you decide that it's something that you want to try then be prepared. You do feel a little sick at times and without being too explicit, you do start to remove the contents of your lungs quite quickly. But what a relief it is to know that you are actually ridding your body of these harmful toxins once and for all in a matter of weeks. Apparently to allow the body alone to fully expel these chemicals and tar from the lungs can take between 10 to 15 years so it's much better in my mind to get this done as soon as possible.

What it told me was that I was never going back to smoking again. There's no point going through a lung detox only to start smoking again. In fact though, the strange thing is the thought of smoking actually made me feel ill. If I even smelled another smokers smoke this also made my stomach turn a little. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these ex smokers who preaches to smokers to stop. I fully understand the powerful addiction and enjoyment involved with smoking, but I would personally never go back now that my lungs are repaired and healthy.

So what happens when the lungs are repairing? The main damage from smoking is done to the alveoli and the cilia. The alveoli are tiny sacks which transfer oxygen into the bloodstream. The alveoli damage caused by smoking is quite severe and some believe that it is never fully repaired even after many years, but don't allow this to put you off quitting.

On the other hand there is much better news about cilia. These are microscopic hairlike structures which actually sweep out particles and toxins from the lungs. Smoking paralyzes the cilia and so allows particles to build up. Once you have stopped smoking and the repairing of the lungs begins to happen the cilia start to function again and so strangely enough you may develop a cough. This is a good sign. The lung detox actually brought this stage on very quickly, two or three days to be exact and then fast tracked the cleaning of the lungs to speed up the repairing process. Within 3 or 4 weeks you start to feel a whole lot better.

Want to find out more about Lung Detoxification? Visit Beauty Reviewed and learn more about Repairing Your Lungs in weeks not years.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Subliminal Stop Smoking Techniques That May Help You Greatly

Have you been smoking for a long time and now want to stop? It's not yet too late to start living a healthier life now. But smoking cessation is more challenging than you think. Many people have tried to do so and have failed time and time again. Once it gets into your system, smoking can be difficult to battle.

The main problem a lot of people face in their efforts to quit smoking is the lack of determination and perseverance. Somewhere along the way, they eventually succumb to the old temptation. Just one puff can break months or even years of sobriety from smoking.

But if you are genuinely concerned about the health risks posed by smoking, you should be willing to try various methods of smoking cessation.

Stop Smoking with Subliminal Techniques

Have you tried subliminal stop smoking techniques? They may be your last remaining hope in saving your health.

Subliminal stop smoking techniques use subliminal messages to convince you that you are better off without smoking. These messages target your subconscious mind and get deeply embedded there. So even if your conscious mind is still vulnerable to the temptation of smoking, your subconscious mind will tell you a different thing, and the deeply embedded messages will eventually exert more influence to your actions and behaviors.

Subliminal help in stopping smoking can help achieve the following results:

1. Reduce cravings
2. Make you consciously and subconsciously determined to quit smoking, resulting in 100% commitment
3. Make you stronger in resisting temptation
4. Remove mental hindrances
5. End your smoking habits - for good!

So where can you get these subliminal messages that can help you stop smoking?

1. Free subliminal scripts hypnosis quit smoking. You can avail of free subliminal scripts designed for hypnosis. You can use these scripts to hypnotize yourself to stop. These self hypnosis scripts are widely available and can be used to convince your mind that you are free from the clutches of smoking.

2. Subliminal MP3 quit smoking free. You can also avail of subliminal MP3s specifically recorded to send stop smoking subliminal messages to your subconscious. These MP3 recordings and music can even be downloaded for free.

3. Stop Smoking Albums. One of the most popular is the stop smoking albums which are widely available. These are available in CD or DVD form, whichever is more convenient for you. You may have to buy some of them, but most offer discounts too. Some, however, are available for free if you know where to look for them.

The best part is, you can find subliminal stop smoking MP3 free of charge, so that's a huge improvement over paying a huge amount of money for nicotine patches or any other smoking cessation products. You can even use these subliminal messages along with your existing aids if you want to be completely sure you stop in no time. Just keep in mind that effects are not instant and require continuous and consistent subliminal effort.

Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Audio & Subliminal Video Messages Online.

Monday, March 7, 2011

66% Success Rate For Smoking Cessation With Hypnosis

Hypnosis is possibly one of the world's oldest forms of preventive and alternative, non-medicine induced methods of healing. Most people have a misconception of hypnosis through a lack of understanding it. Some say it is the perfect form of persuasion. Maybe it is... maybe it isn't, but whatever it is, it's been proven to work. Hypnosis helps you to relax, allowing people to tap into their subconscious mind, to create new realities through images and results and eventually manifest them into their own lives.

Research studies show that during hypnosis, patients are given coping tools for withdrawal symptoms and the urge to smoke. The patient is given an audio cd of their training to continue their reinforcement of coping skills at home. It is hoped that over time the patient will gain increased confidence in their ability not to smoke. Hypnosis is gaining wider acceptance at some of the nations respected hospitals and medical research centers.

For women it may sometime seem more difficult to stop smoking. Studies speculate that the probable reasons might be due to the fact that women are more emotional and sensitive than men. Therefore a woman may smoke a cigarette a lot quicker than a man. Because of this sensitive nature in women, depression becomes another issue. Studies showed that hypnosis was helpful for would be quitters with a much higher success rate with hypnosis.

Most people start smoking young in years and continue across a lifetime; with multiple periods of remission and relapse.

Statistics released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention show that more than 45 million people in the United States are smokers in spite of anti-smoking campaigns. Smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death.

Trying to quit smoking on your own has a far less success rate. Some researchers show that doing it on your own rates about 5%. Using hypnosis is above 66%, using behavior therapy about 25%, and using Nicotine Replacement Products about 25%.

The benefits of not smoking are priceless and life changing such as: adding more years onto your life and gaining self-respect. Your lungs will become cleaner and stronger. You will have more energy, more of a sense of accomplishment and more time for the things that you have always wanted to do. There you have it... not only will you look and feel get to keep money in your pocket.

St. Petersburg Hypnosis Center Located Conveniently in St. Petersburg at the Cross Point Plaza.

Help for quitting smoking, weight management, behavior changes to self development.

Can Hypnosis Really Help You Stop Smoking?

If you have tried everything to quit smoking then you know it's a daunting task. You may have tried patches, special chewing gums, sheer willpower, and even giving it up "cold turkey." But many people find that none of these methods work for them. They quit for a few days, maybe even weeks, but then they're off the wagon and smoking again. Is there a way to stop smoking that really lasts long-term?

Many people have found hypnosis to be the method that finally helps them quit smoking for good. Why does hypnosis work when so many other types of programs do not?

You already know that smoking is bad for you. Smoking related illnesses cause 400,000 American deaths each year. So with the knowledge of all the dangers to your health, why can't you force yourself to stop smoking?

When you have smoked for many years, your mind has been programmed to expect a cigarette at certain times of the day. Maybe you always smoke on your work breaks or after you eat. When you are stressed do you reach for a cigarette? Trying to tell yourself, "I'm not going to smoke, I'm not going to smoke" will not stop your cravings for cigarettes. Years of habits are hard to break.

But hypnosis goes deeper into your mind, giving suggestions to your subconscious. It's like a programmer going into a computer and changing the actual code for the program.

Hypnosis has proven successful for those trying to lose weight, deal with phobias, alleviate health problems, as well as those who wish to stop smoking. Hypnosis is a tool that can be used effectively to resolve all of these challenges. Once you have identified the reasons why you smoke, a consulting hypnotist can help you find ways to deal with them. Instead of reaching for a cigarette when you're stressed, you will learn more appropriate ways to handle your stress or boredom.

While you are in a relaxed hypnotic state, your subconscious mind is open to suggestions that will allow for accelerated change. You will learn to alter your connection between smoking and your feelings. You will no longer find it necessary to smoke in order to make yourself feel better.

Hypnosis helps you build your confidence so that you will no longer depend on food or smoking to feel good about yourself. It will also help you build an aversion to smoking that will help you resist those temptations to light up.

Sometimes only two or three sessions are needed to help you overcome your smoking habit. You will also learn self-hypnosis so you can reinforce the changes on your own, on a daily basis.

Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health and the quality of your life. If other methods have failed, you should consider talking to a consulting hypnotist and find out exactly how hypnosis can help you quit smoking forever.

Eli Bliliuos is the founder of The New York Hypnosis Institute. He specializes in helping clients quit smoking. Eli Bliliuos is a New York native whose interest in hypnosis dates back over 25 years. Eli is a Certified Master Hypnosis Trainer, an NLP Practitioner (Neural Linguistic Programming), and a Consulting NYC hypnotist who has been certified by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists as well as the prestigious National Guild of Hypnotists.

To learn more about Stop Smoking hypnosis, click here Stop Smoking Hypnosis NYC

New York Hypnosis Institute LLC
241 West 30 street
New York, NY 10001

To learn about hypnosis training, click here Hypnosis Training New York

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Stop Smoking With Self Hypnosis By Listening to CD

As anybody who has been a smoker will know, giving up is a constant fight of the will, verses your next cigarette. This is why self hypnosis is such a potent weapon in boosting a persons resolve, in beating the fiendish weed.

Smoking is a combination of different things that all affect a person, making giving up so difficult. Stop smoking with hypnosis can be the key to a permenant success. The first step in any type of therapy is the fact that you want to give up. Without this initial desire, it will always be an uphill struggle to succeed in any therapy.

First there is the influence of nicotine, this has quite a pernicious, if overrated affect on the body and is usually the reason why we light up the next cigarette. In truth, its affect only lasts for three to four days in the body and if you can go 'cold turkey', so much the better. There are a variety of nicotine products, gum, patches etc., that are used quite extensively but these have the added problem in that you can then become addicted to them instead of cigarettes, which totally defeats the object.

Habit is possibly an even stronger pull for the smoker, it certainly was for me, and just the fact that there are special times in the day or certain things that you do will trigger a desire for a cigarette makes it an incredibly strong influence that could be the most difficult to master. The one most people know about, is that first cigarette after dinner which is the most enjoyed and the most missed. Of course, some might argue for the first cigarette of the day or having a cigarette with that evening drink, everyone is different.

Self hypnosis could be the key in mastering these strong desires and urges as it helps you to re program yourself to resist them and improve your self esteem. By doing this, your subconscious will get a mind makeover which will really help in stopping those desires in the first place.

The problem with giving up smoking is that you will often find yourself eating more both to compensate for the lack of cigarettes and also because smoking helps to curb the appetite. This is why, a good stop smoking hypnosis program will also help you not to eat to compensate for not smoking.

One of the great advantages of using a self hypnosis program is that should you find yourself really wanting a cigarette. I mean really wanting a cigarette, you can just listen to your program again and the desire will go away. You will be able to use it just whenever the need arises, making it the most cost effective way to quit smoking. Whether you use it as an MP3 for your iPod or on a CD, stop smoking with hypnosis and you will always have a helping hand to stop you slipping back into the evil clutches of the wicked weed.

Author, Ian Richards, says if you want to lose weight, stop smoking, improve your sporting performance or want to change any of your negative traits, go to where you can find a range of self hypnosis solutions.

How to Stop Smoking Using NLP - 50% Success Rate

Are you ready to stop smoking? How to stop smoking is the first question many people have when they decide it is time to stop. There are several methods available to help you to quit smoking.

These methods range from nicotine replacement therapy like the patch or nicotine pills, to medications, to group counseling. All these methods can increase your chances of success over trying to quit cold turkey, which only has a 5% success rate. But none of them have a success rate of over 50%.

There is a method out there to help you quit smoking that you may not have heard of but you will definitely want to learn more about if you are serious about quitting smoking. It is called NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is a therapeutic technique that has been around for decades and has proven to be extremely successful at helping people to quit smoking.

Why should you choose NLP as your method to quit smoking?

Because NLP is highly effective. NLP is one of the most successful methods to quit smoking. In a recent test of 5,000 smokers who participated in an NLP session to stop smoking 97.2% of them were still smoke free six months later. That success rate is astonishing compared to other smoking cessation products.

Because NLP makes quitting smoking easy. NLP works by targeting and eliminating the cravings to smoke. Did you know that after about a week your physical addiction to nicotine is gone? After that it is the psychological cravings to smoke that make most smokers unsuccessful at quitting smoking. NLP makes kicking the habit easy because it removes these psychological cravings.

Because NLP is all natural. Unlike medications to stop smoking NLP is all natural with no side effects. Most medications have troubling side effects and cannot be used by many people who want to stop smoking. How to stop smoking without these side effects and costs associated with medications is a valid concern for smokers. NLP eliminates these concerns because it is all natural.

NLP is the best smoking how to stop method available today. I have recommended NLP to so many people and they have all been amazed at how quickly and easily they were able to stop smoking using NLP.

Why don't you discover for yourself just how easy it can be to stop smoking with NLP? Visit to learn more about the best NLP stop smoking program that can help make smoking a thing of the past. You deserve to be smoke-free, make it happen with NLP.

Facts About Gum Disease, Smoker's Teeth, and Throat Cancers

The oral health effects of smoking cigarettes include an increased risk of periodontal disease, and mouth and throat cancers. Smoker's teeth are the characteristic yellow teeth caused by the deposits of cigarette tar on the tooth surface. Periodontal disease is the infection of the gums and bones that support and nourish the teeth. Mouth and throat cancers include cancer of the tongue, larynx and esophagus. The smoking facts reveal that oral health is profoundly affected by smoking cigarettes.

There are several ways in which the environment of the mouth is altered by cigarette smoking leading to the dramatic changes in oral health in smokers.

Cigarette smoking changes the factors that are necessary to maintain a good healthy mouth and throat and these changes in turn create the known oral diseases caused by smoking as well as the undesirable cosmetic effects.

Deposits of cigarette tar on the tooth surface:

Over time the grooves and pits of teeth become stained from deposits of cigarette tar. This discoloration becomes permanent and is so characteristic as one of the cosmetic effects of smoking cigarettes that the condition is recognized as smoker's teeth.

Reduction in the amount and nature of the saliva:

Good oral health is maintained by the production of proper amounts of saliva. The teeth are protected from infection by the special antibodies in saliva and its constant action of bathing and rinsing all dental surfaces.

Both these specific characteristics of saliva are diminished by smoking. Not only are the antibodies absent in the saliva of smokers but there is not as much saliva produced. This leaves your teeth and gums vulnerable to infection and since your immune system is compromised as well, when you do get infections in your mouth it can progress and become much more serious because of the reduced response of your immune system.

Smoking has been shown to be one of the main causes of gum disease. A heavy smoker is more than 6 times more likely to have periodontal disease than a nonsmoker.

Reduced nourishment to the tissues:

Nicotine is a powerful vaso-constrictor and results in decreased blood supply to all tissues. Oral health is profoundly affected by this reduced blood supply to the structures that support the teeth, like the gums and the bones. Gradually these tissues become so malnourished the tissue health cannot be maintained and teeth start to fall out.

There are more toothless grins among smokers than there are among non-smokers.

Contact with the Carcinogenic Ingredients in Cigarettes

Many of the ingredients in cigarettes are known to cause cancer. The constant contact of the oral tissues with these chemicals increases the likelihood of oral and throat cancers and the oral health risks of smoking increase with the amount smoked. The more you smoke the higher your chances of developing cancer of the tongue or one of the types of throat cancers such as cancer of the larynx (voicebox) or the esophagus.

Here are some smoking facts about oral and throat cancers:

* The risk for cancer of the larynx in smokers is ten times that of non smokers.
* The number one risk factor for cancer of the tongue and oral cancers in people over 50 is the use of tobacco and in fact 95 per cent of oral cancers occur in people over the age of 40
* 75 per cent of oral cancers occur in people who use alcohol, tobacco, or both alcohol and tobacco.
* Of all the people who are diagnosed with mouth and throat cancer this year only about 50 per cent will still be alive 5 years from now.

Yellow teeth, toothless grins, periodontal gum disease, and mouth and throat cancers are all among the oral health effects of smoking.

It is enough to make you sick and it doesn't look too pretty either.

Will these smoking facts make a difference to you or will you continue using smoking fiction? Explore the various reasons used to justify a smoking addiction at where Beverly Hansen OMalley provides even more information about the facts on smoking diseases and health effects.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Effect Of Smoking On Dental Implants

Dental implants and mini dental implants function as an effective replacement for lost tooth. The factors that determine the success rate and longevity of and many including mainly the teeth being natural or grafted. But another factor that cannot be neglected when it comes to the success associated with dental implants is the wearer being a smoker or non-smoker.

They are grafted with the help of a surgery in the mouth. After the surgery is completed and the implant is fixed the bone and the gum tissue need to heal and this integrates the artificial teeth to its surrounding s. This process is very important since this only will determine the efficiency of the implants. The implants will last long and will function properly only if the process of healing is completed.

This process is not completed properly if the person is a smoker. Researchers conducted in the recent times have proved the fact that implants do not last longer in case of smokers. If the wearer is a smoker then there are two and half times lesser chances of the implants lasting long and yielding the desired results. In a study conducted on 66 people in a period of 5 years, it came out that the 15.8% implants failed in smokers and in case of non-smokers, the success rate was much higher with the percentage of implants failing being 1.4.

We are aware of the health hazards posed by smoking to the concerned person and it is also a known fact that it is the mouth of the person that suffers most amount of danger with mouth and throat cancer being the biggest hazards. But it is little known that smoking leads to the constriction of the blood veins in the mouth. This causes problem in the supply of nutrients to the mouth.

Hence the requirement of nutrients in the mouth is not met adequately. Nutrients are essential in the process of healing and repairing of gums and tissues. When this need is not fulfilled, the healing process is interrupted and the foreign materials in the mouth that is the dental implants do not merge properly with the surrounding and hence the healing remains incomplete. In addition to this, if the person is smoking continuously with his dental implants in function, then additional bone loss takes place. This further increases the complications for the patient.

During the surgery for fixing of dental implants, additional care should be taken if the patient is a smoker. This is because the effects of surgery are not healed properly because of constriction of blood vessels in the mouth. Owing to all these difficulties and hassles, when a smoker approaches a dentist for dental implants, he is first advised to quit smoking. If not then the doctors usually abstain from fixing dental implants in such patients.

For more information visit the site dedicated to dental implants Long Island.

Passive Smoking Effects on Children - Negligible Or Significant?

Are the effects of passive smoking on children worth worrying about? Let's find out, in this article.
Did you know that around one third of smokers will practise their habit in the company of their children? There is simply no excuse for it and the smoker should go outside to smoke. If this is you and you think that you're not harming your children, then take a closer look.

Hospital Admissions
In the UK alone, 17,000 children under the age of 5 are hospitalised every year due to passive smoking from their parents. Also, one in three babies exposed to smoke will need a hospital visit in the first year of their life.

Cot Death
Having a parent as a smoker gives an increased chance of cot death.

Older Children
Even older children are susceptible and those exposed to passive smoke will have lower lung function and be more likely to miss school.

Passive smoking increases the risk of nasal cancer in children.

Mental Capacity
A US study found that children with even low levels of smoke exposure had worse reasoning and reading skills compared with their peers.

As you can see, smoking does not just damage the smoker, it also damages those around them and particularly the young, who are much more susceptible to the ill effects than adults.

If you are a smoker yourself then I implore you to at the very minimum, smoke away from your children, preferable outdoors and not in the house you share with them. If you do, then you are simply being selfish and frankly not fit to be a parent.

Don't want to harm your children anymore? Get the tips and advice that you need to help you to quit at

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quit Smoking in Sixty Minutes Using NLP

NLP is Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro for your brains connections, Linguistic for using specific language patterns to help quit smoking, and Programming for you, reprogramming your mind with the help of a practitioner, to quit cigarettes forever.

NLP is used in many areas of life. These days politicians, teachers, sales people, sports people, business people and many more employ this valuable method of self improvement.

One of the key concepts is Anchoring. Most people when they see a puppy will want to pat it, because they have established a positive anchor with puppies, via past positive experiences.

However some people will have a negative anchor because of a past negative experience such as being bitten or frightened by a dog.

We have installed thousands of anchors to all sorts of things from politicians, teachers, weather, study, exercise, food, diets and cigarettes.

Our anchors colour our view of the world. A parachute jump is an adrenalin rush to one person and a frightening unthinkable act to another.

Maths is a fun challenge to one and dull and boring to another. Our anchors determine what kind of meaning we attach to a person or event, good or bad it's just how we perceive it.

NLP when combined with advanced hypnosis is the perfect therapeutic combination to help you quit cigarettes for good.

Specific techniques are used to collapse the old anchors which keep you smoking, such as, I need to keep smoking because it helps me relax. Then new positive anchors are installed. Such as I love breathing fresh air, I love going for a walk to relax, or I always relax if I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Simple differences in our language patterns and this includes self talk, can create a vastly different outcome. e.g. If I say I want to quit smoking, it is very different than I will try to quit smoking or I hope I can quit.

In the first instance, if I want to quit, it implies action and a strong desire.

If I try, it's not going to happen as it is impossible to succeed if we only try. There is no commitment.

If I hope I can quit, again I will fail as I have already factored doubt into the equation.

These language distinctions may seem pedantic but I assure you they are the key to success or failure. Whether you will regain your health and save a fortune or continue to see you life go up in smoke.

And now for more free info on quitting cigarettes go to

To see a video which answers commonly asked quit smoking questions go to

Wishing you the best of health
Ian Newton

How Smoking Robs You of Your Looks

Some people say what makes life fun are its ups and downs. Many though find it very difficult dealing with the stress that comes with the downs of life. The ideal solution would be to take a short break from work or have some quality time with your loved ones. As a matter of fact, stress has become a constant factor in our life today. We have to look for easier ways to cope with it. Some people have found comfort in the cigarette. Any smoker will swear to smoking as the best solution to stress. Unhealthy and addictive as it may be, they claim it helps them relax. One thing you should know is that this habit will rob you of your wonderful looks and chances of aging gracefully.

It is believed that smoking adds ten years to the users looks. Besides, smoking can destroy your health because it increases the chances of succumbing to lung diseases. Even getting away with a simple cough can be next to impossible. Many of your comrades can not afford to pay the hefty price associated with this habit. Have you imagined what it means going through the effects of lung cancer?

Is there any difference between your skin and that of a non smoker? Try give make a comparison. You immediately notice that your skin is drier and as a result has more wrinkles. Smoke irritates the skin. When you inhale it, you destroy the collagen inside your body. Fine lines thrive when your collagen levels are running low. The unfortunate bit is that, you cannot reverse the looks on your skin. The damage is permanent and having it done will need very expensive treatments and operations.

Let us see how smoking further impacts on your looks. The smoke you inhale in causes your blood vessels to narrow, thereby restricting its flow to the surface of your skin. Basic science has it that blood is responsible for carrying and distributing oxygen and nutrients to the different parts of your system. Those are the two elements that make your skin more elastic and prevent wrinkles from forming. Heavy smokers should better start reconsidering this habit. Those who have been in this habit for many years have dark gums and nicotine-stained teeth. There is yet what people have coined as a smokers face, to describe sallow cheeks as a result of puffing, and lines that form around the mouth and lips as a result of your muscles being constantly drawn inwards.

You have to give up smoking now if you have been a heavy smoking in the past several years. Even if you have started developing signs of aging, there is a lot you can save yourself from by quitting this habit. You will be preventing new wrinkles from forming, while treating the old ones. Drink lots of water and you will notice a significant improvement on your skin in a pretty short time. You have to learn how to appreciate yourself and those around you. People will enjoy hanging around you if you stop forcing them to inhale the second hand smoke that comes from you. You will also be showing concern for their health and care for them. Prove that you love your life by quitting harmful habits and replace with healthier ones instead.

Mari Kai invites you to visit her blog at

There you can learn more about anti-aging tips, product reviews and user experience feedback.

The Bad Effects of Smoking to Your Teeth and Mouth

Smoking is one of bad habit that is commonly done by almost all people especially for men. It is widely believed that smoking can give you the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetic and any other problems related to your health. In association with your teeth and mouth health, smoking is one prominent cause of losing your teeth and any other problems in your teeth. Some people may be not aware of these effects, but the influence of smoking is already studied and it has been proven.

Halitosis or bad breath is easiest example of teeth and mouth problem that you will have from smoking. By smoking you will have unpleasant scent that can be solved by using the mouthwash. Instead of bad breath, smoker will get different color of their teeth that are actually white and it will actually change to yellow color. This process is called as staining that happened intentionally during your period of smoking.

Moreover, you will get a large number of plaques that contain bacteria of the calcification and then they will attach to your teeth. A large numbers of plaques will give you further problem of your teeth. If you have receding gum and you do not stop smoking today, you may have further complicated problem that makes your teeth become more sensitive and cold. Smoking will also decrease the speed of oxygen and nutrition circulation in your gum. If it happened, you may get difficulties in treating your soft cell problem. The last thing you need to remember is cancer risk that is brought by smoking. Since, it has been widely studied that people who used to smoke will potentially get a problem in cervix and also oral cavity cancer.

Stop to smoke is one great step you can have to get a better quality of life. Instead of changing your life style, you may also need to get the best deal of health and medical service that are supported by a high quality of medical equipment such as, in which you can find medical examination table that you may needs.

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Passive Smoking Damages Your Child's Health

Passive smoking endangers the health of those around you. If you inhale tobacco smoke from smokers, you can consider yourself a passive smoker. Passive smoke is also known as second hand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke.

Health organizations demand stronger measures to protect passive smokers. Public areas such as kindergartens, children's playgrounds, schools, sports facilities, shopping centers, restaurants as well as public means of transport, should be smoke free in the future. Non-smokers, especially children, have a right to their health.

You put your children's health at risk when you expose them to second hand smoke. Tobacco smoke is the most dangerous interior pollutant. Children cannot choose not to inhale nor resist this dangerous cigarette smoke from the smokers as they receive it involuntarily.

Passive smoking induces similar health damaging effects as active smoking. In fact, studies indicate that passive smoking is more harmful than active smoking. Children face higher health risks as compared to adults. They are more sensitive to smoke as their bodies are still growing and developing.

A study by Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center in Ohio reveals that second hand smoke knocks points off your child's IQ. One nanogram of continine per millilitre of blood may decrease your child's IQ scores by an average of two points. It just takes one parent who smokes less than a pack a day to cause the effect.

Passive smoking also affects your child's lung function. Children exposed to passive smoke suffer respiratory illnesses such as phlegm, cough, asthma, rhinitis, wheezing, common cold bronchitis, pneumonia, and shortness of breath. They also get middle ear infections.

Among children, second hand smoke increases the risk of
# development of inflammatory bowel disease

# frequency of asthma attack

# development of lung cancer

# sudden infant death syndrome

# dental decay

# low birth weight

Children exposed to tobacco smoke at home develop asthma, cough, feelings of dizziness, headache, and poor concentration at double the rate. Their sleep disturbances also triple.

The more people smoke in your home, the higher the severity of symptoms your child will experience. Opening a window in a room or in the car cannot protect your child from passive smoking. Even smoking outside your house doesn't provide any insurance for your child. The only sensible way is to quit smoking completely. This will remove almost all dangers on your child.

Many people are not aware of the harmful effects of passive smoking. Pro-smoking lobby groups claim that second hand smoking poses no danger at all. However, evidences show that passive smoke can dent your children's health. Quitting smoking can give your children's health a good start.

Andy Lim, writes web contents for and exposes the myths of quitting smoking. Discover the dangers of tobacco smoke at his blog today.

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Study Reveals - Children Exposed to Passive Smoking Are Likely to Suffer From Serious Diseases

A recent study has disclosed that young children who reside with their tobacco smoking parents were virtually fifty percent more probable to be admitted to an infirmary suffering from a communicable disease prior to reaching eight years of age.

Roughly 30% of minors who were within a ten foot radius of a parent smoking tobacco products during their developing years where at some point in their childhood admitted to hospital.

The Tobacco Control web site has published the results of a study that followed in excess of seven thousand babies born in Hong Kong during the first three months of 1997

The youngsters were closely monitored over an 8 year period and researchers compiled the final results.
The research studies exposed that babies who experienced a lower than average birth weight were susceptible to significantly bigger risks of infection.

Children exposed to tobacco smoke were 75% more likely to suffer from the effects of diseases including meningococcal and respiratory illnesses.

 The compilers of the study from the University of Hong Kong have pronounced that passively inhaling tobacco smoke may undermine the body's immune systems and likewise bring about respiratory diseases including pulmonary emphysema and lung cancer.

The reports on the comprehensive study go on to pronounce "An excess risk of severe morbidity from both respiratory and other infections for all infants exposed to second hand smoke suggests that such exposure, as well as acting via direct contact with the respiratory tract, may also affect the immune system."

So to sum up the study confirms that individual who chose to smoke tobacco products are not only causing untold damage to their own health and wellbeing but also bring about severe damage to their children and close family.

Jackie is the owner of a website which aims to provide help, information, tips and advice to people who are trying to stop smoking and beat nicotine addiction.

Stop smoking today and change your life forever!
There is a free quit smoking eBook available on on her site, download it today from it has some excellent tips and advice, grab it now and use it to help you stop smoking forever and become known as "Ex Smoker"